A Symphony in Comfort: The Ultimate Bed with Built-In Audio by DALI
Since 1983, DALI (Danish Audiophile Loudspeaker Industries) is driven by a passion for music and the perfect reproduction of sound. By developing and evolving innovative technologies, we bring more realism to the home entertainment experience and create what we believe are the best loudspeakers in the world. In collaboration with LACHAMBRE, we’ve seamlessly integrated our latest innovation, the DALI PHANTOM K-60 LP (Low Profile) ultra-shallow speaker, directly into the bed. This enhancement elevates your sleep experience, making your good night’s rest sound even better with its exceptional audio quality.
LACHAMBRE is collaborating with DALI to enhance our most unique and premium bedroom collection VERSAILLES. This partnership aims to enhance the sleeping experience by integrating sound into the design, making it more than just a bed and mattress. The focus is on innovation and commitment to continuous improvement, pushing our boundaries to deliver a multi sensory experience. The collaboration with DALI emphasizes the shared passion for excellence and the vision of crafting the bed design with meticulous attention to detail and designed to provide an elevated high-end experience